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America MadeIt's all about traction and Auburn Gear has the lockers to get you places, including Select-a-loc instant lock-up when you really need it!
truck and trailer in field headerAmerica MadeChoose between Grip-N-Loc for performance at all speeds or have ultimate versatility with SELECT-A-Loc to achieve full lock when needed. You should not drive at speeds in excess of 20MPH when an axle is fully locked
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Every differential serves the same basic, yet amazing purpose. But some vehicles need something different, something better. With Auburn Gear you enjoy the only American Made diffs available. Our extensive lineup includes specialty models for your very specific needs, from everyday driving to performance racing, hauling loads on the highway, or conquering the toughest terrains. Auburn Gear has satisfied power enthusiasts for over 50 years. So, get your Auburn Gear on here!